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Muhammad Asad   
But [as for the wife, all] chastisement shall be averted from her by her calling God four times to witness that he is indeed telling a lie
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
For her to be spared the punishment, she must swear four times by Allah that he is telling a lie,
Safi Kaskas   
But she will not be punished if she gives four testimonies with God as her witness that he is lying,

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وَیَدۡرَؤُا۟ عَنۡهَا ٱلۡعَذَابَ أَن تَشۡهَدَ أَرۡبَعَ شَهَـٰدَ ٰتِۭ بِٱللَّهِ إِنَّهُۥ لَمِنَ ٱلۡكَـٰذِبِینَ ۝٨
Transliteration (2021)   
wayadra-u ʿanhā l-ʿadhāba an tashhada arbaʿa shahādātin bil-lahi innahu lamina l-kādhibīn
Word for Word
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh, Ms. Kauser Katri, and more
But it would prevent from her the punishment that she bears witness four testimonies by Allah that he (is) surely of the liars.

Generally Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad   
But [as for the wife, all] chastisement shall be averted from her by her calling God four times to witness that he is indeed telling a lie
M. M. Pickthall   
And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he saith is indeed false
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)   
But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
For her to be spared the punishment, she must swear four times by Allah that he is telling a lie,
Safi Kaskas   
But she will not be punished if she gives four testimonies with God as her witness that he is lying,
Wahiduddin Khan   
The wife shall receive no punishment, if she bears witness four times in the name of God that her husband has lie
And it shall avert the chastisement from her if she testify four times, bearing Allah to witness that he is most surely one of the liars
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar   
And it will drive off the punishment from her if she bears witness with four testimonies sworn to God that he is among the ones who lie
It will avert the punishment. from her if she swears four times before God that he is a liar,
Abdul Hye   
But the punishment (of stoning to death) shall avert from her, if she testifies 4 testimonies by Allah that he (her husband) is one of those who tells a lie,
The Study Quran   
And the punishment shall be averted from her should she give four testimonies, swearing by God that he is among the liars
Talal Itani & AI (2024)   
Her punishment will be averted if she swears four times by God that he’s lying.
Talal Itani (2012)   
But punishment shall be averted from her, if she swears four times by God, that he is a liar
Dr. Kamal Omar   
And it shall avert the Azaab [punishment (of flogging)] from her, if she bears witness four times to Allah, (that) certainly he (i.e., her husband) is indeed out of those who tell lies
M. Farook Malik   
As for the wife, the punishment shall be averted from her if she swears four times by Allah that his (her husband's) charge is fals
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali   
And it shall shove off (i.e., releave) the torment from her that she testifies four testimonies (i.e., oaths) by Allah that surely he is indeed of the liars
Muhammad Sarwar   
The spouse will be acquitted of the punishment if she challenges his testimony by saying four times, "God is my witness that he is a liar"
Muhammad Taqi Usmani   
And it will remove the punishment from the woman if she swears four oaths by Allah that he (the accuser husband) is certainly one of the liars
Shabbir Ahmed   
But punishment shall be averted from her if she calls Allah four times as Witness that he is indeed telling a lie
Dr. Munir Munshey   
And the wife´s punishment would be called off, if she testifies four times, (saying) that she swears by Allah, that he (her husband) is lying
Syed Vickar Ahamed   
But it would save the punishment on the wife, if she testifies (under oath) four times, by Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie
Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)   
But it will prevent punishment from her if she gives four testimonies [swearing] by Allah that indeed, he is of the liars
[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)   
And the punishment will be averted from her if she testifies four times by God that he is of the liars
Abdel Haleem   
punishment shall be averted from his wife if she in turn four times calls God to witness that her husband is lyin
Abdul Majid Daryabadi   
And it will revert the chastisement from her if she testifieth by Allah four times that verily he is of the liars
Ahmed Ali   
The woman's punishment can be averted if she swears four times by God as testimony that her husband is a liar
Aisha Bewley   
And the punishment is removed from her if she testifies four times by Allah that he is lying
Ali Ünal   
But the punishment will be averted from the wife if she testifies four times by swearing by God in each oath that the man is surely telling a lie
Ali Quli Qara'i   
The punishment shall be averted from her by her testifying with four oaths [sworn] by Allah that he is indeed lying
Hamid S. Aziz   
And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bears testimony four times that, by Allah, he is of those who lie
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad   
And it will prevent the punishment from her if she testifies four times (swearing) by God that indeed he is of the liars.
A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)   
But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times with a promise by God, that her husband is telling a lie
Musharraf Hussain   
Punishment will be averted from her if she also swears by Allah four times that he is lying,
(As for the woman), it shall avert the punishment from her if she swears four times by Allah that the man is false (in his charge
[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)   
And the punishment will be averted from her if she bears witness four times by God that he is of the liars
Mohammad Shafi   
And, to avert the punishment from her, she has to testify four times, bearing Allah to witness, that he is certainly indeed of those that lie

Controversial or status undetermined works
Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)   
And the punishment shall avert from the wife if she bears witness four times in the name of Allah that the man is a liar.
Rashad Khalifa   
She shall be considered innocent if she swears by GOD four times that he is a liar.
Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah   
But the punishment will be averted from her if she swears four times that he is of the liars
Maulana Muhammad Ali   
And it shall avert the chastisement from her, if she testify four times, bearing Allah to witness, that he is of those who lie
Muhammad Ahmed & Samira   
And pushes away/repels the torture from her that she witnesses/testifies four testimonies/certifications by God that he truly is from (E) the liars/deniers/falsifiers
Bijan Moeinian   
If the accused wife wants to escape the punishment, she should swear four times by God that her husband is giving a false testimony
Faridul Haque   
And the punishment shall be averted from the woman if she bears the testimony four times by the name of Allah, that the man is a liar
Sher Ali   
But it shall avert the punishment from her if she bears witness four times in the name of ALLAH that he is of the liars
Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri   
And (similarly) this can avert punishment from that (woman too) if she (herself) gives evidence, swearing four times by Allah that he (the husband) is a liar (in accusing her)
Amatul Rahman Omar   
But it shall avert the punishment from her (- the wife) if she calling Allah to witness testifies four times over that he is of the liars (in bringing this charge against her)
Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali   
But it shall avert the punishment (of stoning to death) from her, if she bears witness four times by Allah, that he (her husband) is telling a lie

Non-Muslim and/or Orientalist works
Arthur John Arberry   
It shall avert from her the chastisement if she testify by God four times that he is of the liars
George Sale   
And it shall avert the punishment from the wife, if she swear four times by God that he is a liar
Edward Henry Palmer   
And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bears testimony four times that, by God, he is of those who lie
John Medows Rodwell   
But it shall avert the chastisement from her if she testify a testimony four times repeated, by God, that he is of them that lie
N J Dawood (2014)   
But if his wife swears four times by God that his charge is false

New, Partial, or In Progress Translations
Fode Drame   
And it pushes away the punishment from her [the wife] if she bears witness four times by Allah that truly he is of those who are liars.
Munir Mezyed   
However, in order for her to be prevented from punishment, she should testify by Allâh four times that he is telling lie (against her).
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher   
And the punishment is averted from her if she witnesses four times by Allah that he is a liar.
Linda “iLHam” Barto   
Punishment would be averted from (the wife) if she bears witness four times by Allah that (her husband) is telling a lie.
Fadel Soliman, Bridges‘ Translation   
But what averts punishment from her is that she testifies under oath four times by Allah that he is surely of the liars,
Irving & Mohamed Hegab   
It will avert the punishment. from her if she swears four times before Allah (God) that he is a liar,
Samy Mahdy   
And will ward off her torment, that she witnesses four witnessings, by Allah, that he is among the liars.
Sayyid Qutb   
However, punishment is averted from her if she calls God four times to witness that he is indeed telling a lie;
Ahmed Hulusi   
(And the woman in defense) shall ward off the punishment from herself by swearing four times ‘by Allah’ that he is a liar.
Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli   
And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bears witness four times (swearing) by Allah that verily he is one of the liars
Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur‘an al-Karim   
And the expedient which would avert her -the wife's- punishment is that she binds herself by an oath solemnly declared four times in attestation of the falsity of his - her husband's - statement
Mir Aneesuddin   
and the fifth (time) that Allah's curse be on him if he is of those who lie.
The Wise Quran   
And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bears testimony four times that, by God, indeed, he is surely of the liars;

Obsolete and/or older editions
Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)   
But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By God, that (her husband) is telling a lie
OLD Literal Word for Word   
But it would prevent from her the punishment that she bears witness four testimonies by Allah that he (is) surely of the liars
OLD Transliteration   
Wayadrao AAanha alAAathaba an tashhada arbaAAa shahadatin biAllahi innahu lamina alkathibeena